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Forgive me for my fraudulence


Two sides

One you’ll only see

Most curated

I will show you my bad day too

Though just as quickly remove


Shadow work

Tired of these cliches 

The other side

The darkness

I do not wish to admit

In hiding it I’m sure the truth of it can still be seen


I prefer to reveal only the me

That serves to achieve

My dreams

Singer, leader, peacekeeper

I am blessed 

The other me is the writer

The authenticity

I envy

Now you see her

Now she’s gone


She is the shy one

She longs to come forward and take charge

I keep her hidden

The shift would be jarring

She’s an introvert 

A mouse

Last time she was in charge

She was so lonely

And yet, so disciplined

And not for anyone else’s sake

She loves being in the know

She loves love


Can these two personas fuse? 

Or will it forever feel like I’m split in two? 

One always embarrassed of what the other chooses to do

Just for a moment there… 

Swords down

I see

My only competition is me

We are worthy

What a blessing to be not one but two

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